proskool features

Features of ProSkool APP

Below are some of the features of ProSkool APPs

  1. Easy setup of School Information with features for School name, address, logo, motto, email and website.
  2. Setup of session details with features for stating when the session starts and ends.
  3. Class details with features for class arms, class categories, class-teacher allocation.
  4. Subject details with features for subject categories, class-subject allocation and subject-teacher allocation.
  5. Grade set up with features for stating maximum and minimum score and comments for grades.
  6. ProSkool is easy capture of staff personal data.
  7. Features for creating staff login details (username and password)
  8. Allocation of staff to single or multiple user role.
  9. Easy capture of student biodata, academic information, family information, and medical details.
  10. Smart search for students information
  11. ProSkool features importing students data from excel
  12. Feature for promoting students from one class to another
  13. Birthday alert (for students, staff and parents) with feature for extraction of phone numbers and email addresses.
  14. Easy capture of staff personal data
  15. Allocation of staff to single or multiple user role
  16. Migration of student names as student progresses from class to class
  17. Notification for birthdays of students, staffs, and parents.
  18. Extensive salary configuration settings
  19. Generate and manage the Payroll Processes according to the Salary Structure assigned to the employee
  20. Accurately computes salary for all employees including loan deductions, tax, miscellaneous addition or deduction
  21. Automated generation of pay slips and payroll which are printable and can be mailed
  22. Excel export facility

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